Our thoughts on International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day means a lot for the Ginger team. We place high importance on hiring people who are the “right fit” for our team- this means having a passion for the work we do, working hard, and being nice. Being the right fit for Ginger has everything to do with shared values and a positive, kind attitude to bring to our clients and to the team. 

Hiring with this philosophy in mind has resulted in not only a female-majority team but also an executive team that is predominantly female. With this representation, we’re able to offer unique perspectives on the work we provide for our clients as well as how we interact with each other as a team. In Canada, on average only 32%* of people who hold senior management positions are women. At Ginger, 75% of our executives are women and 64% of our entire team are women! For International Women’s Day, we asked our team how working with a majority women-led business has created a different perspective for our organization. Here are some of their responses:  

“Working closely with women in executive and leadership roles at Ginger has shown me the ways that my professional career can grow within the marketing industry. Being able to have mentorship from women who have encountered many different barriers has been an invaluable experience.”

– Heather, Account Director, Social Strategy Lead 

“Working with a female-led team allows for ease of collaboration and creativity. Feeling empowered to share my opinions and ideas with our team benefits our strategies, encourages professional development and helps my own personal confidence.”

– Nina, Communications Manager 

“Representation in leadership personally motivates me because I can see women succeeding in my field and know that growth is attainable. Everyone should have the opportunity to have someone to look up to that they can see themselves in and feel comfortable with.”

Kaelyn, Designer 

Working at Ginger is my first time outside of a majority male office, and being a part of this team, I’ve experienced a more mutually supportive environment than any other workplace I’ve been a part of. Team members are kind, compassionate and patient, taking every possible opportunity to hold each other up and recognize each other’s talents and contributions. The also lends itself to a more thoughtful work product for our clients.”

– Brendan, Project Manager 

“Working with a majority women-led team has been inspirational in so many ways. Their leadership, knowledge, and talent have built a positive and collaborative work environment, that I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of.”

– Ken, Digital Strategist 

“It is always a pleasure to work with all of the women here at Ginger. Working with such an amazing and talented female-led team not only helps boost productivity but also contributes toward a positive work culture. I love being a part of this influential team of women who bring fresh and innovative ideas to make Ginger a better place for all. Above all, we are learning, growing, and cheering each other along every day!”

– Yashika, HR Manager 

“Having a majority woman-led team at Ginger has been vital to our success as a group and within the creative and digital space. The women of Ginger have established the guiding light of our values in the office – responding to difficult challenges with respect and kindness without compromise; to always set boundaries – i.e., “no is a full sentence”; and understanding the power behind creating allies in the workplace.”

Adriana, Account Director, Digital Services Lead 
“As a kid, I grew up surrounded by strong-willed, hard-working women and now as professional, I couldn’t be prouder to share a space with the fierce and hard-working women at Ginger, leading the way all over the world.”

Daniel, Motion Designer 

To learn more about International Women’s Day and what you can do to celebrate, visit https://www.goodgoodgood.co/articles/how-to-celebrate-international-womens-day


Written by Andrew Bedford